The Identitarian Re-Interpretations of Italians from Istria
Cultural roots - Collective and diasporic identity - Ethno-national homeland Sense of belongingAbstract
This article investigates the dynamics of the Istrian peoples’ identitarian
process2.The two social groups of “who remained” and “who left” - historical
consequences of the Istrian-Dalmatian exodus - are the object of our analysis. The
underlying theme focuses to the evolution of identity, according to two different
contexts, Istrian territorial roots and territorial dispersion. The reasoning steps, critical
thinking and the deepening of analysis develop around the concept of Italian-ness,
proceeding with complementary approaches. The first thanks to an elaboration of the
collective memory and of the collective identity, going to re-interpret the findings
from two studies about those who left and those who remained; the second one, with
a perspective reconstruction by the examination of the secondary sources, of texts
by writers and of several informal interviews. We have been led to see the changes
that affect the identity of the individuals, or the groups, concerned and to wonder
about the nature of the sense of continuity with which these changes are experienced.
The result, in particular, allows for invalidating the idea of the identitarian definition
rooted in a nostalgic memory of the lost homeland, in the case of dispersed Istrian
peoples; while in the Italians who remained, the idea of an unproblematic experience
of the commonality, groupness and cohesion in redefining boundary crossing and the
development of networks in the new national configuration(s).
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