About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Transition Studies Research Network was founded in 2002 as CEEUN-Central Eastern European University Cooperation, with the aim to connect a group of experts and university faculty in a program of cooperation devoted to research programs and specialized international postgraduate and doctoral courses. The Network has grown fast and soon after the scientific “voice” was established with the Journal Transition Studies Review, published initially by the CEEUN, then by Egea-Bocconi University Press, then by Springer Wien-New York and finally by Transition Academia Press now the Publisher of our journals.
At the beginning, JTSR was focusing on transition in Central and Southeast Europe, interpreting CEEUN purely as a European network. Soon afterwards, the EU enlargement was achieved extending the aims and scope to differentiated forms of partnership with Russia, Ukraine, Caucasus, the Black Sea and Caspian Seas, Mediterranean regions and Near East. This approach had dramatically changed years ago, following a serious violation of the international laws and agreements by the Russian backed insurgency in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. The situation had been in some way normalized with the efforts of US negotiations with Russia.
The future is unpredictable and certainly the relations in this region with European Union and NATO but will be as before in the relations with Russia in this region. International Relations all over Europe in terms of foreign affairs, economy, financial cooperation and defence specifically are influenced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its advanced new technologies and innovative applications, from Quantum to Hypersonic jets up to 8-10 times the sound speed; from Artificial Intelligence and 5G telecommunications.
All what few years ago and even Einstein couldn’t discover in his advanced impressive evolutionary studies in physic and atomic sciences. These new frontiers will introduce a highly sophisticated defence industrial advancement, with applications and performances never before imagined. Transition Studies then will enlarge their horizon to include these discoveries and achievements that will determine and industrial deep reassessment of final production value chains but also in the traditional components and sophisticated sectors of new-tech “revolution”.
Let briefly look back to the First industrial revolution. After the mid-eighteenth century, Europe experienced an unprecedented period of expansion which goes by the name of “industrial revolution”. Among the causes of this phenomenon - which initially took hold in Great Britain and which definitively changed the appearance of the modern and contemporary world - we can indicate: the impressive demographic growth during the eighteenth century; the expansion of agricultural production, thanks to new cultivation techniques such as mixed agriculture; the diffusion of the system of enclosures, against one. In fact, the last decades of the eighteenth century are the direct consequence of the birth of modern industry, which is characterized by the large-scale use of machines powered by mechanical energy; by the intensive use of fossil fuels as sources of energy and materials that they are not found in nature (such as metal alloys) and due to the progressive organization of work within the factory. From the carbon coke process to the James Watt steam engine (1736-1819), the Industrial Revolution can therefore expand into all over Europe.
The “transition studies” then are not belonging to the present but are part of the full history and growth in the world we live. From the firth to the Second and Third “revolutions”, respectively pushed on by other dramatic events tied to the first and second World Wars, with the introduction of the telegraph and engines for cars, truck, trains since before, all developed as well for the first world war. Then the third with the advent of the efficient airplanes and the new weaponry of high destructive capabilities. It was a tragedy with millions of killed soldiers and civilians. real tragedies and the toll in human lives was horribly enormous.
The conclusion of the second World War, with the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, singed the end but also the moment of slowly moving on reconciliation and peace, that is still going on, even if with conflicts exploded in various part of the globe but never again as much as the holocaust of soldiers and civilians, also for reason of races and religions. It was in 1945 the moment of saying never again, even if the conflicts in China, Middle East, Vietnam, North Africa, Afghanistan, African civil wars and Balkans, just to mention some references and call to our memories. But we have to tote also the more geopolitical doctrines and reasons that had motivated the wars in the past century and in part as well in these first 20 years of the XXII century.
A “geopolitical” vision and approach by an Italian great specialist on this fields will help us to understand the complexities and the permanent risks of other deflagrations. Journal Transition Studies Review matters.
Geopolitics, by Carlo Jean - Enciclopedia del Novecento II Supplemento- Treccani editions, Rome(1998) - http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/geopolitica_%28Enciclopedia-del-Novecento%29/
Summary: 1. Introduction. 2. Definitions of geopolitics and classification of geopolitical theories. a) General considerations. b) Geopolitics and environmental determinism. c) Geopolitics and political geography. d) Geopolitics and geostrategy. e) Geopolitics and geoeconomics. f) Definition and contents of geopolitics. 3. Precursors and history of geopolitical thought until the end of the bipolar world. a) The precursors. b) The birth of modern geopolitics: Ratzel and Kjellén. c) Continental geopolitical thinking. d) Theories of maritime and aerospace powers. e) The theories of peninsular power. f) The regional and multipolar conceptions. g) French geopolitics. h) South American geopolitics. i) Geopolitical idealism. l) Considerations on the geopolitics of the twentieth century. 4. The Italian geopolitics. a) From the dawn to the Risorgimento. b) The geopolitics of liberal Italy and the fascist regime. c) The geopolitics of the cold war. 5. Contemporary geopolitics. a) Globalist theories. b) Multipolar theories. c) Binary theories. d) Anarchist theories. e) Italian post-Cold War geopolitics. 6. Geopolitical factors and methods used by geopolitics. a) Permanent factors. b) Variable factors. c) Approaches, methods and techniques. □ Bibliography
Well, I closed this window on the “transition” past as we have to look at the future and then to our transition studies today. CEEUN-Central Eastern European University Network was launched with a seminar in Vienna, hosted by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research. The first meeting took place at the Institution that was founded by Friedrich August von Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, two great thinkers and economists: the Austrian Institute for Economic Research-WiFo. Now the scenario is completely different.
From 2005 on, a worldwide regional approach looking to Asia, Latin America, Eurasia and Great Middle East has been implemented. TSRN-Transition Studies Research Network has inherited from the previous CEEUN the “aims and scope” which were recently integrated. In the last ten years Transition Studies Research Network has progressively involved more than 400 internationally well-known member partners and 95 university departments, institutes and research centres independently engaged in many areas and programs.
The scientific interests and fields covered are: Europe and the World, future approach to EU enlargement, global governance economic, financial and policy framework and impact, where the focus would be mainly on growth theories, innovation and human capital, cultural and intellectual heritage, main advanced industrial sectors technologies, investments, international affairs, foreign policy choices and security, monetary policy and main currency areas, banking and insurance, development and area studies, social policies, environment and climate, culture and society, juridical and law studies, regional approach to global governance, peculiarities and critical challenges.
The future transition to open economy and institutional reforms, political and strategic issues and challenges, governance, European, Mediterranean, Asia-Pacific, Middle Eastern, Latin America and Africa perspectives are key topics of this high-ranking journals, ours as well include. Transatlantic and Asia-Pacific relations, security and international order represent, together with applied regional studies, another cornerstone of the Network’s activity and of Transition Studies Review’s contents as well as of and other Journal covering specific aspects and regions: the Journal of Global Policy and Governance (JGPG) The Network is deeply committed to a wide range of transition issues related to quantitative modelling and tools to analysing and researching economic, financial, strategic studies, social, cultural, environmental, juridical main issues.
Journal Transition Studies Review is currently indexed by EconLit, Scopus, Google Scholar.
Prof. Giorgio Dominese CV and main Publications
Giorgio Dominese is the founder of CEEUN-Central Eastern European University Network and President of Transition Studies Research Network, being also Editor of Transition Studies Review and of the Journal of Global Policy and Governance, all of them published by Transition Academia Press. After lecturing at Ca’ Foscari Venice University, he was Professor of Transitions Economics at Udine University from 2002 to 2008. On 2007 he starts lecturing at the Course of European Economy and Financial Governance in full English at Rome Tor Vergata University until 2012. He was for twenty years Chair of Economic and Policy of Transitions and International Relations at LUISS University Rome, where in 2011 to 2013 he was Chair of Geopolitics at the Master of Science in International Relations. Professor Dominese has been visiting professor in Beijing at the CFAU-China Foreign Affairs University in the second semester of 2012 and lecturing from 2013 to 2014 at UIBE University Beijing. He has been delivering lectures at Renmin University of China, CIIS and Tianjin University. Visiting professor at the Vietnam National University, both in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in 2012 and 2013. He had been visiting professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, at the School of International Relations, from 2008 to 2010 and at the School of International Management in 206-2007. He had been lecturing as well at Beijing University, at the Viet Nam National University, visiting professor at Bahia Blanca University, Argentina and at the Astana ENU-Eurasian National University in Kazakhstan, lecturing as well at George Washington University USA, EMUNI University Slovenia, MGIMO, HSE and Academy of Science-European Institute in Moscow, Latvia University Riga. In 2013-2015 he was visiting professor at UIBE-University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, and visiting lecturer at National Vietnam University, at the Singapore Economic Conference 2013, at Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, research Fellows program in the USA.
In 2009 he became a full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg. For 2010-12 he was appointed by the Tor Vergata University as Delegate of the Rector and Special Coordinator of the Program Rome World University-RWU. He was Program Coordinator of the second YICGG Research Competition “Global Governance: Growth and Innovation 2020”, organized in Rome in August 2008, involving young doctoral, postgraduates and graduate students, as well as Joint-Coordinator of the third edition 2009 of this event at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia, while he had been in the Judging Commission of YICGG 2013 at Fudan University. Consultant and advisor both for Italian Government and UN system Organizations, as well for multinational companies and banks, he had three years experience in international programs for Development in African and Asian countries.
He is Member of the Advisory Board at IIR Centre of Global Sustainable Development, (www.iir.edu.ua/en/international_cooperation/global_sustainable_development_center/), Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev; partner of the IDM (Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa) in Vienna and for many years of the Scientific Boards of WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research); he was expert in the follow-ups of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe and still active in several other European and Asian international research Institutions; Consul of Chile (Hon) in Venice, he had been appointed by Special Award and Paul Harris Fellowship by Rotary International for his international programs and activities.
A professional journalist up to now, he was for almost 20 years special envoy for newspaper and magazine, author of investigative journalism, main reports, comments and articles on topics and events. political issues, international relations, strategic studies, economics, finance, society and global governance.
Main Publications and recent Papers:
- Giorgio Dominese, author: New Silk Road and the crucial role of Central Asia for EU and China, University of Duisburg, September 1-3 2016, 8th Cea (Europe) and 27th Cea (Uk) for the IN-EAST Annual Conference.
- Giorgio Dominese, author: EU, Democracy, Optimal Governance and Less Statehood in a Transnational and Regional World, IPSA 24th Congress Political Science, Poznań, Poland, July 23-28, 2016
- Giorgio Dominese, author: The complexity of the Future and the New Theories of Growth: Human Capital, Technologies, Policy Choices and Global Governance, Transition Academia Press Venice, Journal Global Policy and Governance, Vol. 20, N. 2, 2015
- Giorgio Dominese, author: Law, Economics and Science: towards convergent Education and Research disciplines, AJLE, Asian Journal Law and Economics, De Gruyter Publishing, November 2015
- Giorgio Dominese, co-author, Sovereign Wealth Fund Activism and Corporate Governance: a Literature Review, Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University, AJLE Conference, August, 2015
- Giorgio Dominese: Intellectual capital evaluation for a new deal in welfare policies and management, in Andrea Garlatti, University of Udine Italy; Giorgio Dominese, Transition Studies Research Network, Venice, Italy; Stefano Miani, University of Udine, Italy, SER Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, paper to Conference 2015
- Giorgio Dominese: Europe reaching US in World Power with a "Non Statehood" optimal Governance, Journal Global Policy and Governance, Vol. 20 (1) 2014
- Giorgio Dominese: Erosion of Sovereignty and “non Statehood” in Global Governance, presented to the Singapore Economic Review Conference, August 5-8, 2013
- Giorgio Dominese: ‘’Le gaullisme à venir sera paradoxalement européen ‘’ , Outre-Terre, Revue Européenne de Géopolitique », 2013, France, La Nation alignée, Paris, vol. 33-34
- Giorgio Dominese (co-Author), Patrizia Stucchi (Author), 2012, “Equity Market Risk during the Crisis: Europe, Americas and Asia”, Transition Studies Review and International Journal of Euro- Mediterranean Studies, 2012
- Giorgio Dominese, 2012, “Economic, Financial and Geopolitical Governance: USA, European Union and China”, Transition Studies Review vol. 18 (3)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2010, “Social, Economic, technological and strategic crisis that marked the end of USSR”, Paper at the Workshop in Rome “Italy, Russia, Europe: 1945-2010”, University of Rome Tor Vergata-TVWU and Russian Academy of Sciences-RAN, Moscow, November 2010.
‐ Giorgio Dominese, 2010, “Europe and the Euro: Do not Indulge in Misinterpreting Strength as Weakness”, Paper presented in Venice at the International Workshop organized by the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University Venice, February 2010, Transition Studies Review, vol.17 (4)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2010, “Theories of International Relations: from an American Science toward a pluralism of Thought”, Paper presented in Moscow at the Congress of the Russian Political Science Association, November 2009,Transition Studies Review, vol.16 (4)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2009, “Global Governance and Innovation 2020: how to Govern the Complexities of the Future”, Transition Studies Review, vol.16 (2)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2009, “America and the World, Obama and the War”, Transition Studies Review, vol.16 (1)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2008, “Asian security issues: what Europe could tell Asia”, Transition Studies Review, vol.15 (1)
- Giorgio Dominese and Valentina Mele, 2007, “Managing Business-Government Relations: Principles and Techniques”, Libreria Egea, Pellicano series, Bocconi University, Milan
- Giorgio Dominese, 2007. "Foreign Investments as the Main Determinant Growth Factor in Asian Countries and Regions," Transition Studies Review, Springer, vol. 14(1)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2006. "How To Prepare the EU Integration: Banking System, Monetary Policy, and Exchange Rate in Macedonia," Transition Studies Review, Springer, vol. 13(2)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2006. Intégration, interférence, droit comparé: à la recherche d'un ordre international durable, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, nr. 1/2006
- Giorgio Dominese, Knowledge, Innovation and Development: the Transfers from Universities and Research to Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Bologna Process Framework, at EIASMEuropean Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Conference Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, May 4-6, 2006
- Giorgio Dominese, 2005. "Ukraine Economy, Finance in the Reform Process and the European Partnership: A Focus on Aerospace Industry," Transition Studies Review, Springer, vol. 12(2)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2005. "Europe and Security in the Caucasus," Transition Studies Review, Springer, vol. 12(1)
- Giorgio Dominese, 2004. "Research, Universities, Culture and Higher Education Performing as a “Fourth” Sector in the Transition Economies," Transition Studies Review, Springer, vol. 11(3)
- Giorgio Dominese, in Greek-Turkish Relations: a Key to Stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by Marisa Lino, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS-School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center, Editions Bonomo, Bologna, 2005
- Giorgio Dominese, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Europe: Oil and More, paper at EPS-European Policy Centre, The Andreas G. Papandreou and Perspektiva Foundations, Brussels, 2005
- Giorgio Dominese, SMEs International Financing, paper at Primorska University, Koper, 2005
- Giorgio Dominese, Ukraine Financial and Economic Growth in the Framework of the Reform process and the European Partnership, paper Institute of International Relations, National Taras Shevchenko University Kiev, Ukraine March 2005
- Giorgio Dominese, in South Eastern Europe on the Road Towards European Integration, by Erhard Busek, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Molden Verlag, Vienna, 2004
- Giorgio Dominese in Transition beyond Enlargement: Rethinking Next Europe Governance, by András Inotai et Al., Europa 2002, Budapest, 2/2004
Download Prof. Giorgio Dominese CV
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