The Impact of Electronic Banking Products on Economic Growth: The case of Kosovo


  • Fatmir Gashi South East European University
  • Hyrije Abazi - Alili South East European University, Faculty of Business and Administration, Tetovo



Electronic banking products, ATM, POS, E-banking, Economic growth


This study aims to investigate the impact of access and usage of electronic retail banking products or services on economic growth, with particular emphasis on the case of Kosovo. Specifically, the study will identify the impact of electronic retail payment products such as ATMs, POS, and E-banking and their impact on economic growth. The paper employs data from the Central Bank of Kosovo from 2007-2019, consisting of a times series data set. The methodology employed is a linear regression model. The results confirm that the development of retail banking products positively impacts real GDP. The study will promote the development of electronic payment products in Kosovo, and increase financial inclusion, to create possibilities for households and businesses to have better access to and use of retail financial products, leading to higher economic growth and increased macroeconomic benefits. The study findings will be valuable to the Central Bank of Kosovo, financial institutions, and other policymakers in Kosovo.


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How to Cite

Fatmir Gashi, & Abazi - Alili, H. . (2023). The Impact of Electronic Banking Products on Economic Growth: The case of Kosovo. Journal Transition Studies Review, 29(2), 91-106.


