Relations of India and Pakistan with Central Asian Countries from the Perspective of Shanghai Cooperation Organization


  • Zhang Yuyan PhD, Lecturer, Lanzhou Univ, Institute for Central Asian Studies, School of Politics and International Relations, Gansu, China



India, Pakistan, Central Asia, Shanghai Cooperation Organization


After the first expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the India’s and Pakistan’s relationship with Central Asian countries has become an issue that needs urgent research. This article analyzed their relationship, focusing on five aspects, i.e. the historical and cultural relations, political and military relations, the economic and energy cooperation, religious conditions and activities of religious organizations, and cooperation in science, technology and education. The author has found that neither India nor Pakistan doesn’t have major investment or particularly close partners in Central Asia. It is not yet possible to say that Central Asia is an area where India and Pakistan are strategically competing. India and Pakistan will not have serious disputes on the SCO’s issues involving Central Asia. For Joining India and Pakistan, we should consider more positive aspects, promote advantages and suppress disadvantages, and make staff expansion a positive factor for SCO to play a greater role.


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How to Cite

Yuyan, Z. (2020). Relations of India and Pakistan with Central Asian Countries from the Perspective of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Journal Global Policy and Governance, 9(1), 105-116.


