1989 -2019: Thirty Years After: Re-Enchanting Europe?


  • Ferenc Miszlivetz Professor. Dr., Director, iASK - Institute of Advanced Studies, Kőszeg, Hungary.




solidarity, Central European co-operation, integration, common European home, nation-state paradigm, European civil society, uncertainty, transformation.


This paper focuses on the complexities created by the interlinked and complex processes of Central-European transitions that arose as the result of integration into the EU and the undermining influence of turbo-capitalism. During the decades before and after the Annus Mirabilis, ’Europe’ and European integration were the models for peaceful regional integration worldwide. Due to the lack of a common vision for the future in “old” and “new” Europe, and due to unexpected internal and external challenges, and increased global uncertainties, the European dream gave way to a common European frustration. Evaluating the transformations of the past three decades, the question remains whether Europe can avoid further disintegration and gain back its role as a model for regional cooperation. Could this provide a window of opportunity for a more important role for Central Europe?


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How to Cite

Miszlivetz, F. (2020). 1989 -2019: Thirty Years After: Re-Enchanting Europe?. Journal Global Policy and Governance, 9(1), 19-35. https://doi.org/10.14666/2194-7759-9-1-002


