Public Performance Evaluation: from the International Debate to the Italian Legal Context


  • Irina Dmitrievna Dokalskaya University of Udine



Public administration, Performance evaluation, Decision-making policies, Management of expenditures, Legal procedure


In recent years, public administration has experienced a period of strong pressure for change, innovation and modernization that has led in an increasing emphasis on measuring and reporting of results. Still public sector reforms continue to preoccupy governments all over the world, since the controversies remain a problem with the integration of decisions concerning the use of the budget means allocated to the results obtained. Because of modernization reforms, the structural foundation of public organizations has changed in many countries. As part of NPM reforms, public organizations have adopted (or trying to) private sector-inspired management techniques, with the declared intention of improving both the quality and productivity of services. The primary cause of this situation have been the growing needs from citizens of services and policies in terms of quality, that public authorities have had and will have to satisfy with increasingly scarce resources. Considering the necessity of greater understanding of the economic and financial performance, this paper discusses the possible modalities, the experiences and the most appropriate processes needed to achieve the strategic and policy objectives for maintaining and improving the quality of services, ensuring the effectiveness of administrative function.


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Author Biography

Irina Dmitrievna Dokalskaya, University of Udine

Irina Dokalskaya

Ph.D., Project manager at Leonid Srl

Innovative start up - research company for the

innovations and improvements processes



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How to Cite

Dokalskaya, I. D. (2019). Public Performance Evaluation: from the International Debate to the Italian Legal Context. Journal Global Policy and Governance, 8(1), 67-82.


