Author Guidelines

Transition Studies Academia Press is an international Publisher of Journals containing peer-reviewed articles, exclusively in English, hosting original research studies, articles scientifically relevant, reviews in all aspects of growth theories, social sciences, international relations, regional approach, environment, energy, identities and cultures, finance, currency, technology and innovation, human capital, economics of welfare, tools and quantitative analyses related, geopolitics and security studies, area studies, comparative and international law, gender studies, migrations, developments inequalities, metropolitan area governance, infrastructures, logistics, all the aspects of the main ongoing and forthcoming changes in the near future reshaping the individuals and the societies worldwide.

Transition Academia Press considers all manuscripts on the strict conditions that

  •   the manuscript is the author’s own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including your own previously published work.
  •    the manuscript has been submitted only to Transition Academia Press and has not been published  in any form and is not be under consideration  or peer review or accepted for publication or published elsewhere.
  •    the manuscript contains nothing that is abusive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.

Special sections are reserved for Junior Researchers and PhDs working papers.

Symposia or workshop papers might be published as supplements, special issues or books at very special conditions and low costs, even if in a perfect layout both for e-journals and for printed copies of journals or books.

For relevant issues and scientific contributions, we will consider also single articles and main book reviews.

The Editor is free to publish as reprinted articles very peculiar papers, for reasons of scientific interest or diffusion of outstanding contributions, with bilateral agreements of the Editors and Publishers.

Find here the submission preparation checklist!

All authors are kindly requested to download the format sample and prepare their papers accordingly.  Download

1)    Paper preliminary presentation and final acceptance of the formal Submission 

All the research papers and articles – in a preliminary draft version - will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by 4/9 weeks and we will then inform all the authors of the conclusions of the preliminary evaluation in the positive cases of final acceptance or declining. 

  1. a)    For the preliminary scientific works and any contact in this first stage of the process, please contact us directly via email to:  All the papers and articles should  be proposed in a quality English and following, without exceptions, the Rules for Authors you can read at:
  2. b)   Together with the normal sections, dedicated in the journals to papers and articles from already experienced, valuable and advanced faculty, researchers and experts, please note that, as in our past tradition, we welcome and encourage proposals of working papers presented as well by junior researchers - in the stage of doctoral studies and early beginning research activities - from main universities, institutes, centres and specialized agencies.
  3. c)    We will select the relevant and scientifically robust few ones to be accepted and published in the special sections  "Junior Research Working Papers" in each issue of the journals.
  4. d)   Regarding the scientific fields of the research draft works we are expecting in the preliminary phase, the wide scientific research areas covered by Transition Academia Press offer a quite unique opportunity, as you can read from the website in the Aims and Scope of our journals and in the contents of the last already published issues. 

2)Final submissions to Transition Academia Press Journals must be made online

All the authors who will be accepted and will receive via email a formal letter by the Publisher for the publication (both for online and print)  the final drafts of their manuscripts exclusively through the web platform to the appropriate Journal indicated in the acceptance letter (, following the registration procedures.

After registering at, please follow the Submission Preparation Checklist regarding the format of your manuscript and references. On proceeding to the submission of the final manuscript to the journal, all authors are first asked to check each item on the Submission Preparation Checklist as completed, before proceeding. The checklist also appears in the Author Guidelines, under About the Journal. The list can be edited below, but all items on the list will require a checkmark before authors can proceed with their submission.

All Journals have the same Submission Rules that can be found in the About page of each Journals at Authors have to be aware that the Editor together with the Editorial Board, seen the submission option chose by the author, retain the option to decide in which Journal the submitted manuscript should be published.

Authors are requested to provide the names of at least two well-qualified referees and reviewers of their indication. Current e-mail addresses must be provided for all suggested reviewers

3) Review Process 

Manuscripts not adhering to journal guidelines will be returned to authors without scientific evaluation. Manuscripts considered to be within the scope of the journal will be reviewed. The Editor-in-Chief or the Editor will assign the reviewers for the submitted manuscripts adhering to journal guidelines. Authors will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of their manuscripts. After the review process, the corresponding author will receive a decision and recommendations for corrections. The Author will be able to check on its personal page the status of its submission.  

When manuscripts are accepted for publication, final version proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for final review, and any corrections should be returned within a week. No new material may be inserted into the text at this stage.

The manuscripts considered for publication will be published on the Transition Academia Press website in the summarized content of each Journal issue (title, authors) with a pdf version, the access to that article is granted to customers who have purchased a subscription.


Publication Charges

Submission fee

There is no submission fee for this Journal but only a dedicated low fare subscription for the authors who will be accepted for publication 

Publication Fee

All the authors submitting to Transition Academia Press Journals once their papers will be accepted for publication will be asked to pay a  symbolic annual subscription fee of 40 euro that will give them as benefit full access to the Online version of the Journals published by Transition Academia Press. This access will expire after a year from the date of payment. For a yearly extension at the same price, it will be simply necessary to write to

Authors willing to receive as well the print edition of the journals need to pay additionally and for each journal the ordinary normal postage costs, depending on their country of mailing.